Grade 3 Home Language (ENG) Activity Book Term 4
- Engages in conversation as a social skill, accepting and respecting the way others speak.
- Uses language imaginatively: tells jokes and riddles using appropriate volume and intonation.
- Listens for the detail in stories and answers open-ended questions, e.g., “Do you think it is right that you have to wear a school uniform?”
- Tells a story using descriptive language, different gestures, and facial expressions.
- Listens to a story and works out cause and effect in response to questions such as “What would have happened if the dog had not been found?”
- Plans and makes an oral presentation: tells personal news, describes something experienced, recounts an event, etc. using a visual aid
- Expresses feelings and opinions about a text and gives reasons, e.g., “This book is boring because it has no pictures and many long words!”
- Discusses solutions to a problem using higher-order thinking skills, e.g., “If your father can’t collect you this afternoon, you could…”
- Recognises hard and soft sounds of ‘c’ and ‘g’, such as ‘c’ as in city and ‘g’ as in giant.
- R-controlled Vowels
- Recognises and uses prefixes such as un-, re-, and suffixes such as -ful and -ness.
- Breaks down multi-syllabic words into separate syllables, e.g., re-mem-ber
- Spells words correctly using their phonic knowledge in informal tests, in dictation, and in all written work.
- Uses pre-writing strategies to gather information and plan writing: talks to a partner, creates a mind map, and creates a planning frame.
- Writes a selection of short texts for different purposes, e.g., dialogues
- Drafts, writes, edits, and publishes their own story of at least two paragraphs (at least 12 sentences).
- Uses informational structures when writing, such as experiments and recipes.
- Sequences information and puts it under headings
- Uses apostrophes in contractions such as can’t, Mary’s
- Uses punctuation correctly: capital letters, full stops, commas, question marks, exclamation marks, inverted commas
- Uses conjunctions to form compound sentences.
- Builds own word bank and personal dictionary
- Uses a dictionary to find new vocabulary and check spelling.
Roxanne –
Absolutely love these range of activity books for each term. They are fun, concept appropriate and easy to use during class time.
Anonymous –
Great work!
Anonymous –
It was really very helpful and well planned
Cecelia Cloete –
Cherize Laubscher –
Joey Stewart –
Cecilia pretorius –
Christa Mathee –
Anonymous –
Vicky C. –
Melissa Verwey –
Perusha –
Moirick Prince –
Aliya Adams –
Nellie Arlow –
Michelle –
Anonymous –
Esme Schoeman –
elena hughes –
Looking forward to using in future.
Kaylene Groenewald –
Maritza Joubert –
Joane Vosloo –
Annamarie Barnard –
Gravelotte Primary –
koeks –
Hester van den Berg –
Sonya G. –
Chane Els –
Helene Van den Berg –
Would love it if you made Afrikaans first additional daily lessonplans. Content is good thank you ????️
Anonymous –
Love this
Candice-lee –
Carolina R. –
Aileen Lombaard –