Grade 3 Home Language (ENG) Activity Book Term 4

(33 customer reviews)

R75,00 incl. VAT (15%)

Grade 3 Home Language (ENG) Activity Book Term 4

  • Engages in conversation as a social skill, accepting and respecting the way others speak.
  • Uses language imaginatively: tells jokes and riddles using appropriate volume and intonation.
  • Listens for the detail in stories and answers open-ended questions, e.g., “Do you think it is right that you have to wear a school uniform?”
  • Tells a story using descriptive language, different gestures, and facial expressions.
  • Listens to a story and works out cause and effect in response to questions such as “What would have happened if the dog had not been found?”
  • Plans and makes an oral presentation: tells personal news, describes something experienced, recounts an event, etc. using a visual aid
  • Expresses feelings and opinions about a text and gives reasons, e.g., “This book is boring because it has no pictures and many long words!”
  • Discusses solutions to a problem using higher-order thinking skills, e.g., “If your father can’t collect you this afternoon, you could…”
  • Recognises hard and soft sounds of ‘c’ and ‘g’, such as ‘c’ as in city and ‘g’ as in giant.
  • R-controlled Vowels
  • Recognises and uses prefixes such as un-, re-, and suffixes such as -ful and -ness.
  • Breaks down multi-syllabic words into separate syllables, e.g., re-mem-ber
  • Spells words correctly using their phonic knowledge in informal tests, in dictation, and in all written work.
  • Uses pre-writing strategies to gather information and plan writing: talks to a partner, creates a mind map, and creates a planning frame.
  • Writes a selection of short texts for different purposes, e.g., dialogues
  • Drafts, writes, edits, and publishes their own story of at least two paragraphs (at least 12 sentences).
  • Uses informational structures when writing, such as experiments and recipes.
  • Sequences information and puts it under headings
  • Uses apostrophes in contractions such as can’t, Mary’s
  • Uses punctuation correctly: capital letters, full stops, commas, question marks, exclamation marks, inverted commas
  • Uses conjunctions to form compound sentences.
  • Builds own word bank and personal dictionary
  • Uses a dictionary to find new vocabulary and check spelling.


33 reviews for Grade 3 Home Language (ENG) Activity Book Term 4

  1. Roxanne

    Absolutely love these range of activity books for each term. They are fun, concept appropriate and easy to use during class time.

  2. Anonymous

    Great work!

  3. Anonymous

    It was really very helpful and well planned

  4. Cecelia Cloete

  5. Cherize Laubscher

  6. Joey Stewart

  7. Cecilia pretorius

  8. Christa Mathee


  9. Anonymous

  10. Vicky C.

  11. Melissa Verwey

  12. Perusha

  13. Moirick Prince

  14. Aliya Adams

  15. Nellie Arlow

  16. Michelle

  17. Anonymous

  18. Esme Schoeman

  19. elena hughes

    Looking forward to using in future.

  20. Kaylene Groenewald

  21. Maritza Joubert

  22. Joane Vosloo

  23. Annamarie Barnard

  24. Gravelotte Primary

  25. koeks

  26. Hester van den Berg

  27. Sonya G.

  28. Chane Els

  29. Helene Van den Berg

    Would love it if you made Afrikaans first additional daily lessonplans. Content is good thank you ????️

  30. Anonymous

    Love this

  31. Candice-lee

  32. Carolina R.

  33. Aileen Lombaard

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